Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Review Wednesday - Homecoming - Osguards: Guardians of the Universe

Date:                     7/29/11
Title:                     Osguards: Guardians of the Universe - Homecoming
Author:                  Malcolm Petteway
ASIN:                     B002SQKMEI
Pages:                   227
Publisher:              Rage Books LLC
Cover:                  Electronic ARC
Reviewer:             Yolanda M. Johnson-Bryant – Literary Wonders!  
Rating:                  4 Stars

           Homecoming is an installment of Osguards: Guardians of the Universe. Michael Genesis and his family members have created the Osguard community for their elderly parents. The community is a place where these retired parents want for nothing, but they have no idea what it is their children do in order to keep them in unwavering comfort. That is until the Kulusk’s try to destroy the earth.

          Mr. Petteway combines third world galaxies, political propaganda and military speak to form a great novel that will win over the hearts of sci-fi fans.

          This book was originally published in 2002. It is my personal opinion that if this book was re-edited, and not for spelling errors, but more for flow and development, and re-marketed with a new cover, this could go to the top of the New York Times Best Sellers list.

          If you’re not familiar with “inside information” of the military, this book may be a hard read. However, once you get past that difficulty, it might make a non-Christian reader wonder if there really are other worlds out there and if aliens really exist. Great job Malcolm. 


  1. Thank you Literary Wonders for hosting this book tour. Awesome job!

    Malcolm Petteway

  2. My book, Homecoming won an Honorable Mention Award at the 2011 Hollywood Book Festival. It was a honor to win this recognition.
