Tuesday, August 10, 2010

REVIEW: Diary of a Stalker by Electa Rome Parks

Date:             8/10/10                
Title:              Diary of a Stalker         
Author:          Electa Rome Parks        
ISBN 10:        978-1-60162-199-3
ISBN 13:        1-60162-199-x      
Pages:           228 
Publisher:       Urban Books         
Cover:           Paperback             
Reviewer:       – Literary Wonders! (www.literarywonders)
Rating:             4

Diary of a Stalker by Electa Rome Parks is one of those books that should be made into a big screen motion picture. Ms. Parks had me wondering for a moment how a sane person could write such a perfect and disturbing character.

Xavier Preston is a best-selling male author. His newest novel is called Secret Desires and he’s signing copies of it in Atlanta. As to be expected, Xavier’s fan base is made up of mostly women and each of them would claim that they are his number one fan.

Don’t tell that to Pilar. According her, she is Xavier’s number one fan and she thinks Xavier is her soul mate. Xavier takes Pilar’s bait and they end up in bed together. It could be the last mistake he makes.

I was amazed at how Ms. Parks was able to consistently show the unraveling of a psychopath stalker. I was equally amazed at how she uncovered what really goes on in the literary world. Movie stars and entertainers are not exempt from womanizing, stalking and bouts of indiscretions that go on behind the scenes.

I truly believe that Xavier got what he deserved; it was unfortunate that it was at the expense of his fiancé. I also believe that someone at some point needs to decide that it is time to put an end to generational curses and that as mothers and fathers we need to heal our children so that they may have a chance to live productive lives.

Kudos to Electa Rome Parks for writing this novel. The author touched upon so many important topics at once. I cannot wait to read more from this author and I cannot wait to see if Ms. Parks pegs Diary of a Stalker to become a major motion picture. 

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